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Damn this is really well made. Easily one of the best sokoban games I’ve played!


Excellent puzzle game! Can't wait for the full version! 

My only complaint is sometimes whats connected to what can be hard to see, I wish there was an easier way to tell sometimes :P This was so cute! 

Deleted post

 hi , how can i run the game on 32 bit ? 


Witawy a pwetty fwiggin fun game to pway uwu



This game is fun here some stuff I recommend for the game: customize hands,a little cute hand shake sound, and more obstacle that's all thank you for porting the game on mobile


Really cute game! Although I was kinda surprised of the morbity of hand cutting. Anyway, greats puzzles!

(2 edits) (+1)

After about 1 hour of playing this, i enjoy it more than 1000 days of playing Lol wr

10/10 you guy should play it, and delete lol wr


Thank you for this amazing game!

If interested, you can check my full game playthrough video (+

speedrun mode) here:


Very hands on, intuitive puzzle design. I loved the mechanic of losing a limb, both being a tool and a hindrance on the puzzle.


i havent seen anyone else talk about this but im stuck at lvl 16

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great and creative game. i was surprised because even though the puzzles were kinda hard, i managed to complete them all by myself without any guides 


This is one of my favorite puzzle games ever. Mostly because it's easy enough that I can still beat it, but it's still interesting enough to play (and ever replay). Easily my favorite puzzle game.

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This game is really fun, but there are some concepts that aren't very clear, such as how the button in stage 4 appears to stay pressed in after it is used once.

If this is still in development and you're still looking for ideas, what about "zombie hands" that you can move a few more times before they become stuck?


I may be dumb but how do u beat lvl 4 I'm stuck


It took me awhile to figure out, but the button can actually be pressed more than once


thank you 👍 this was very helpful


I would love it if you could pull boxes in certain levels by using some sort of green button that made things gravitate towards your hand? THAT would be SO awesome!!! Maybe a button that would give you extra length on an arm? IDK


Great little puzzle game, I like the mechanics of it, even though having to cut off hands was an unexpected turn of events, lol. Played a few levels, but I'll probably be playing more in my free time, it was definitely fun! (First game in the video)


fun game it would be interesting see what new mechanics could be added in the future




NVM I just got it.


How do you beat level 24? I'm looking at it can can't seem how to figure it out.

Solution to Level 24 is at 2:25 in video.


this game is amazig. literally made me rip off someones hand so i can shake it




Fun game! Just the right difficulty, not too challenging but still makes you think and enjoy it. 


One thing that might me interesting is a mechanic where when you… uh… sever a player’s arm, the number of moves they have goes down by one.


this game was super fun !! i'm so excited to play the full game, the puzzles and soundtrack were amazing :)


Wow, excellent puzzle design

Deleted post



Cool :)


i liked it.I can't wait for the full game!




Good job


Is there a 32 bit version of this game?


This game was so fun to play! Very creative and great puzzles, love it!

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nice and creative

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No spoliers!!! First 5 levels🫠


great puzzles! really creative and felt challenging without feeling stuck in any of them.

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Seesaw (I forget what number and the level select didn't seem to work. I want to say 21) & Level 27 need some color coding on the buttons, but otherwise the difficulty was perfect.

Very nice "double take" puzzle design. I love being forced to recontextualize the puzzle after a red herring, although I started to distrust your initial placement after a while and figure out the trick early. Which leads me to my next point:

May I suggest an option to hide level names, since sometimes the name tipped me off to what the red herring would be?

Lastly thank goodness for the undo button. 


Really nice puzzle game, well done guys!



  i like the game pls make more level

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